Ok Boomer

Ok Boomer
I don’t know what to do with these little whippersnappers
All they seem to do is stay on their little gadgets like robots
The only thing they do when they come over is tap on their whatsits, popping up titles such as Instachat and Snapagram
The little gizmos vibrate with a mmmm mmmm, they pick it up, stare at it and set it down again
My grandchildren show me photographs on these thingamabobs with words on the pictures like: “World War 3” and “Baby Yoda” 
Back in my day, we had to take out actual roles of film to watch a movie, not whatever they call Netflix Plus

I guess a boomer like me will never understand the younger generations


  1. I love how this is so true in our generation! Very well written poem :)

  2. This Poem is amazing! i love the wording and all the unique words that you used!


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